Are you a yoga teacher looking for some guidance in the ever growing yoga industry?

Jen has worked in many different areas of the yoga industry since 2007. From starting children’s programming in three yoga studios, acting a the yoga program director for a studio with multiple locations, to co-owing a boutique and being the buyer, to running a successful retreat business, to owing her own studio, Jen has seen and done so much in the field.

How does it work?

Set up a phone call with Jen to discuss your desire for having a yoga mentor and work together to design your custom mentorship. The length of the mentorship will be decided on between Jen and the mentee.

Areas of exploration ~


Theming a Class

Running a Studio

Yoga Studio Programming

Retreat Planning

Using Music Mindfully in Classes

Self-promotion through Social Media

Creating a Series or Workshop

So much more!

Jen will only take on 5 mentees at one time.

Cost begins at $95 per hour

Contact Jen to set up an exploratory call!